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Next steps on the national surveillance camera strategy

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If you’ve been an avid reader of my blog you’ll know that I’ve spent the best part of a year developing a national surveillance camera strategy for England and Wales. You’ll also know that we’ve been consulting on a draft strategy for the past 6 weeks. The consultation closed last Tuesday – 6 December.

I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the survey we had running, submitted a response to the consultation or attended one of the events we ran during the consultation period. The consultation certainly has thrown up some interesting points and ideas for us to consider including in the strategy. Have we been explicit enough about the fact that the surveillance camera code of practice is borne out of the Protection of Freedoms Act and therefore focus on surveillance cameras in relation to people’s freedoms and link that to the relevant legislation? Now cameras can be linked to the internet do we need to include more on cyber security and the risks of hacking? With the advent of new technology such as facial recognition do people really know what surveillance cameras do – how do we address this?

What next on the strategy

So, lots for us to think about which is exactly what I hoped for! We are considering all the responses and will feed in what we can to the strategy, delivery plans or back to government where necessary.

In terms of timings. We will be working on a redraft of the strategy and hope to publish that and the delivery plans by April 2017. Alongside that we’ll publish a response to the consultation so you can see how we’ve dealt with all the responses.

So, still lots to do on the strategy and from what I’ve seen from the responses that we’ve had in they will only make it better!

This will probably be my last blog before the festive period. So, if you are taking time off (as I am) I hope you enjoy it and have a restful time. You’ll be able to read my next blog in the New Year.

Also make sure you sign up for email alerts and also follow me on Twitter.

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1 comment

  1. Comment by Ian Methews posted on

    Hi, Tony. Thanks for this kind of informative post. A proper strategy implementation for the set up of the surveillance camera would be not only associated with the recent technical advancements, also it caters the needs of the human being for the purpose of their normal security.


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