Hi, I’m Professor William Webster Director at the Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance and Privacy (CRISP) and Professor of Public Policy and Management at the University of Stirling. I’m leading the civil engagement strand of the National Surveillance Camera Strategy and taking over Tony’s blog for this post.
It’s often said that the UK is the one of the most surveyed countries in the world with some reports estimating over 6 million CCTV cameras in the UK – surveillance cameras are everywhere and have become a familiar sight on our streets and in shopping centres, schools, hospitals and airports (etc.). For me, one of the pressing issues is whether members of the public, when they see a surveillance camera, know or understand why it is there, who is operating it and what is does. In some cases I suspect these questions cannot be answered. The objective of the civil engagement strand is to make information freely available to the public about the operation of surveillance camera systems.
We know surveillance happens and given the current threat level is severe I think most people expect CCTV surveillance to take place. Whilst surveillance is in use organisations must put the individual at the core of what they do to ensure that they are kept safe – but this must happen without infringing their basic human rights contained with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights or compromising their rights under national and European Data Protection rules.
Engaging citizens
In this work strand we want to engage citizens and civil society about the use of surveillance camera systems and associated technologies (such as automatic facial recognition). We want to raise awareness and encourage discussion about the use of such systems. What’s important is to build public awareness and encourage debate about surveillance and how it is conducted on our behalf. Here, the intention is that the better governance of surveillance cameras can only be realised through enhanced public debate about their role in society.
Technology is advancing quickly and we live in a world where body worn video, dash and head cams are increasingly commonplace. Drones are taking off and automatic facial recognition is no longer the stuff of science fiction. As technology advances so does the potential to intrude into the lives of citizens - and as surveillance cameras are computerised and automated it makes it even harder to know what each cameras is doing. So, public trust and support for surveillance needs to be balanced with our needs and expectations for personal protection and privacy, and it is important that the levels and types of surveillance realised through CCTV is delivered in the public interest.
Civil engagement
Our civil engagement plan has now been published and it aims to ensure that:
- Citizens have free access to information relating to the operation of surveillance cameras,
- Citizens have a better understanding of their rights in relation to the operation of surveillance cameras,
- Citizens have an understanding of how surveillance cameras function and are used, and
- Organisations have an understanding of the information relating to the operation of surveillance cameras that they should make available to citizens.
I’d be interested to hear what people think about the plan so please let me know by commenting on this blog.
Over the next 3 years we will working to make sure that civil engagement happens across the strategy but also encouraging organisations to talk to the people their surveillance cameras monitor, to publish information about the systems they use, why they use them and what happens to the personal data they collect.
Look out for some of the events we will be holding as part of the strategy and make sure you sign up for email alerts for Tony’s blog and also follow him on Twitter.
Professor William Webster
Website: http://www.crisp-surveillance.com
Email: CRISP@stir.ac.uk
Twitter: @CrispSurv
Comment by Mrs Askew posted on
Domestic CCTV.
I live in a 'leafy' village along with my husband (a Parish Councillor) and our 3 children. Our 'lovely' childless neighbours have taken it upon themselves to point a CCTV into my back garden - this CCTV does not cover their own property/back gate nor garage just mine! On both occasions at my requests - the Police informed us that the neighbours were recording my property.
Police state they 'do not offer a service check' for the CCTV HD. ICO state it is a Police matter. So nobody to help me
Where does that leave me - I am unable to safeguard my children in their very own garden? My only option was to go to B&Q and buy a tarpaulin to drape the entire 10m length of our garden to hide the CCTV
Which governing body is monitoring the CCTV HD? = NONE
Very interested in your comments
Comment by mickkelly posted on
Thanks for your comment - can you email scc@sccommissioner.gsi.gov.uk with your query and we can give you an official response.
Comment by John Heaver posted on
OK ... I got here because I have the SCC blog as an rss feed.
I set that up following an article I read in The Register about Devon and Cornwall police force deploying drones equipped with surveillance cameras which contained a reference to the SCC site.
I guess I have a question about the scope of the engagement plan. I suppose the intent is to engage only with public authority deployed surveillance systems. Is that the case or are "private" installations also to be covered?
Comment by mickkelly posted on
Thanks for your comment - the plan is to engage with anyone using surveillance cameras. Although, the legislation (Protection of Freedoms Act 2012) sets out a list of relevant authorities who must pay due regard to the surveillance camera code of practice - essentially police forces and local authorities.
Comment by Lisa posted on
Could you please tell me if Dash cams in vehicles come under the same guidance as Body Worn Cameras if used by a local authority in their work vehicles?
Comment by katiescotton posted on
Hi Lisa,
Can you please send your question to scc@sccommissioner.gov.uk and a response will be sent to you.
Many thanks,
Office of the Surveillance Camera Commissioner