Surveillance cameras and GDPR

I have frequently said that technology advances at the speed of light – 0 to 60 in a flash! Well it seems like regulation is doing the same! We are now less than 12 months from the introduction of the General …
I have frequently said that technology advances at the speed of light – 0 to 60 in a flash! Well it seems like regulation is doing the same! We are now less than 12 months from the introduction of the General …
Recent events in the UK have shown us that we live in a time where personal and national security is under threat. What these events do is serve to underline is the importance of vigilance in keeping our communities safe. …
Principle one of the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice talks about surveillance cameras being used for a legitimate aim to meet a pressing need.
Hi, I’m Mike Gillespie the Director of Cyber Strategy & Research for the Security Institute and Tony has asked me to lead on drafting a cyber guide for surveillance cameras. I am delighted to have been asked to lend my …
When CCTV became widespread across the towns and cities of the UK in the 1980s and 1990s a CCTV camera was just a CCTV camera. It was a camera set up to record images, those images were recorded on a …
I was in the gym yesterday, wondering what I could write in this guest blog, when I looked up from the treadmill and saw a news feature about trialling the use of body cameras in classrooms to record students’ bad …
Over the Christmas period you may have been looking to the skies for Santa’s sleigh and you may have thought you saw it when in fact what you saw was an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – more commonly known as a …
If you’ve been an avid reader of my blog you’ll know that I’ve spent the best part of a year developing a national surveillance camera strategy for England and Wales. You’ll also know that we’ve been consulting on a draft …
Since I took up post as Surveillance Camera Commissioner nearly 3 years ago technology has moved forward at an incredible pace – particularly when I think about body worn video. When I took up post some police forces were starting to …
If you read my last blog on the draft National Surveillance Camera Strategy for England and Wales you’ll know that the consultation is underway – it kicked off with a couple of media interviews and you may have seen me …