Survey launched on police use of surveillance camera systems

I am beginning the process of gathering the latest information from all police forces under my jurisdiction on their use of overt surveillance camera systems.
I am beginning the process of gathering the latest information from all police forces under my jurisdiction on their use of overt surveillance camera systems.
London School of Economics, 5pm-9.15pm, 14 June 2022. Is there a legitimate role for facial recognition in policing and law enforcement? Hear the evidence of experts and make your own judgement - what’s your verdict?
The expression “if you’ve done nothing wrong you’ve nothing to worry about” is not the answer to legitimate public concern over surveillance. Here are 5 reasons for abandoning the argument once and for all.
Hello! I’m Fraser Sampson, the new Surveillance Camera Commissioner (and Biometrics Commissioner too). I came into post on 1 March and with so much going on in both the world of surveillance and biometrics, I’m sure the next few weeks and months are going to be busy, but I think this is an exciting time and I’m looking forward to the road ahead.
Earlier this year I sent a survey to LAs in England and Wales to gain a better understanding as to the extent to which they were complying with their statutory responsibilities arising from Section 33(1) of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) and the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice, in connection with their use of overt surveillance camera systems in public places.
The policing strand of the national surveillance camera strategy focuses on how the police pro-actively share relevant information about their own operation of surveillance camera systems and use of data from other systems. Read about what's happening on this work strand.
Video Surveillance Systems are operated by most Local Authorities in England and Wales and are intrinsically linked with operational policing to protect the public and ensure their safety. So how effective are they and is the cost of installing and operating those systems really worth it?
Once again the issue of police use of Automatic Facial Recognition (AFR) technology has come into public spotlight. This week it was part of an inquiry at the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee – to whom I …
Hello, my name is Dr Rachel Adams and I’m an Early Career Researcher with the Information Law and Policy Centre, Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, University of London. I’m also a member of the Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s Automatic Number Plate Recognition Independent …
Hi, I’m Professor Pete Fussey and have been asked by Tony Porter to lead a new strand of his National Surveillance Camera Strategy on human rights, data and technology. I’m a Director at the Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance …